What is the invoicing feature?
This feature gives attendees the option to book and pay for their order via direct bank transfer to you, the organiser. This might be helpful for schools or other organisations that don't have a card that they can pay with.
How do I add invoicing as a payment method on my event?
The invoicing feature comes as part of a custom plan, so first things first please get in touch with support@ticketpass.org to chat about activating it for your event.
Once this is done, an Invoice Payment field will appear in the View stats page of your event.
If a customer wants to pay via invoice, you just put their email address into this field and a one-time link will be sent directly to their inbox. This takes them to a personalised event page with the invoice option activated, ensuring that only they can pay by invoice and avoiding the risk of accidentally leaving it open to other attendees.
How does payment and ticket activation work?
Once a ticket has been booked via invoice, the attendee's name will appear in the attendees list as normal, just with 'Payment pending' as the status. The ticket is not active until payment is received and you, the organiser, marks this as paid by clicking on the Payment pending button.
You will then be able to change the booking to paid and hit confirm.
Once confirmed the payment pending status will be removed from the booking on your attendee list and the customer's QR code(s) will be activated.