Once you're on the event page for the event you want to attend, follow these simple steps to get your tickets:
1. Click the Get tickets button
2. Browse the ticket types to determine which one applies to you or which one you'd like to buy. Careful - some events might have different ticket types for Home/Away fans, Member prices, Concessions, Children's tickets, and some might be for different dates and/or times. Make sure you choose the right one.
3. If you have a discount code or password to use, click the relevant word in the corner of the page and enter it in the box that appears.
4. Click the + button next to the ticket type you'd like to add one or multiple to your basket.
5. Click Continue once you've added all the tickets you need.
6. On the next page you'll find the charity section. Some organisers nominate a specific charity to receive Ticketpass' donation and others let you choose. Don't worry - this isn't your money and doesn't cost you anything extra! If you see a list, take your pick. If you just see one, have a read about the cause that this event is supporting.
7. Click Continue to proceed.
8. On the final page you can view your basket and see how much your total is. Enter your email in the box - if that email is already registered to an account with Ticketpass, it'll ask for your password:
9. If you don't have an account with Ticketpass, it'll ask for a few details to create one for you:
10. Enter the prompted details and click Register
11. Finally, enter your card details and click the Pay button.
12. Congrats! You've booked your ticket. At this stage, you might need to Assign your tickets. Read here to find out more about this very important final step.